He Was Right!

The Cookie Monster had it right
Nobody can eat just one
Once you start you can’t quit
Until before you, there is none

Will power! There is no such thing
When before you they sit
Trying to control; this one desire
Can put you into a hissy fit

Into your mouth you put one
Your taste buds come to life
Your brain goes into overdrive
To overcome your culinary strife

Which one do you eat first
With all of the options you have?
Maybe chocolate chip or oatmeal
Or Oreos you split in half

Sugar cookies or ginger snaps
Or ones made with peanut butter
You never can get enough
“Please, bring me more!” you utter

I know how the Cookie Monster feels
When the craving hits me hard
I try to keep my pantry full
So I’m never caught off guard

Thursday, June 16, 2022