The Campmeeting

He could see it in the distance

Cars were parked beside the road

His truck, he had to downshift

He was hauling a heavy load

People were heading that way

Had their Bibles in their hands

Up ahead he could see the tent

And he began to understand

What he saw was a camp meeting

He had seen them there before

In the past, he had always driven by

Stopping would have been a chore

Slowly he crept by that tent

Something told him he’d better stop

Up ahead he saw an open field

It was barren and void of crops

Parking the truck, he began to walk

Feeling summoned, to the tent he went

He took a seat in the back row

What he witnessed made him repent

He saw miracles happen that night

Saw walkers and canes thrown away

Hundreds went to the altar call

Right up front with them, he prayed

A calling, it was on his life

And to miss it he couldn’t afford

He had gone there with the Devil

And he left there with the Lord

Tuesday, September 13, 2022