The Thunderstorm

The rain is beating on my windows
The wind is howling in the eaves
The trees are bent by brute force
Rapidly shedding their branches and leaves

Water is pooling in the streets
The storm drains, they can’t keep up
Thunder is reverberating all around
Lightning, the sky it vividly disrupts

It’s a thunderstorm in southern Indiana
Heat and humidity were its cause
Sometimes a tornado will accompany it
Causing life to tragically pause

It’s been too hot, we need relief
Lately, it has been so incredibly dry
The storm that we are now experiencing
Is welcome, of this, we can’t deny

I love a good old thunderstorm
I enjoy the freshness that it brings
The coolness that immediately follows
Accompanied with a fragrance that clings

Sitting on your porch, watching it rain
Is relaxing, and can bring inner peace
The steady latter upon your roof
A sensation that you don’t want to cease

Friday, June 17, 2022