I Can't Imagine

I can’t imagine being Peter

Of all the many things he saw

The miracles that he witnessed

After he accepted the Master’s call

I can’t imagine walking on water

And then have fear take hold

I can’t imagine how he felt

When Jesus did his faith scold

I can’t imagine following Jesus

On His one-way path to death

Being told that His life was ending

Peter denying it with angry breath

I can’t imagine the Last Supper

When Peter asked, “Is it I ?”

One by one the disciples asked

Judas, his guilt, he couldn’t deny

I can’t imagine in the garden

When they came to take Jesus away

The anxiety that Peter felt

His sword was on defensive display

I can’t imagine being Peter

As to the trial, he secretly went

How he, with tearful eyes

Watched Jesus being Golgotha sent

I can’t imagine the remorse he felt

As three times he loudly denied Him

I can’t imagine how painful it was

The cock crowed three times from a limb

I can’t imagine Peter having to face Him

Knowing that in truth he had failed

I can’t imagine being forgiven

By one enduring a cross, hammer, and nails!

Monday, September 26, 2022